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How To Book Your Drivers on a CPC Course – Call us on 01384 442233

The driver CPC training courses listed in this section are all 3.5 hours sessions. You can combine any two topics of your choice to make up a seven-hour CPC course e.g. Fitness & Health plus Drivers' Hours may be relevant topics for your drivers.

Courses can be run on your premises anywhere in the UK any day including weekends. We need a suitable training room.  We can provide all audio-visual equipment.  We suggest that you provide refreshments during the day. If you do not have a suitable room we will work with you to find a suitable venue such as a room hire in a local leisure centre or library.

Take a look at the CPC course topics below and decide which combinations will suit your business, and your drivers’ training needs. Then call us on 01384 442233 to discuss dates and location.

A typical five-year driver CPC training schedule is:

1. Defensive Driving in the morning sessionplus Safe at Work in the afternoon.

2. Drivers Hours in the morning plus PCV Driving (for Bus & Coach drivers) or Vehicle Security for LGV drivers, in the afternoon.  

3. Highway Code & Speed Awareness  in the morning, plus Fitness & Health in the afternoon.

4. The Professional Driver in the morning,  plus Smart Motorways in the afternoon.

5. Bridges & Heights in the morning,  plus Collisions & Incidents in the afternoon. 

If drivers have attended previous Defensive Driving courses,  "Roadcraft - Advanced Driving" is a good alternative topic.  "Roadcraft - The Police Driving Handbook"  is the bible of advanced driving and will enhance your drivers' knowledge of advanced driving techniques that will greatly improve their safety and driving skills.  This CPC course is also an ideal foundation for any driver who has considered taking the advanced driving test.  

Another option is to include  Professional Drivers First Aid CPC Course – delivered by St John Ambulance - 7 hours - for course content see below.

For further information call us now on 01384 442233 or complete the Contact Us Form 

Your Choice of Course Topics

Defensive Driving Theory CPC - 3.5 hours road_scene_approaching_a_roundabout_showing_advanced_driving_techniques
This driver CPC course examines the risks to which each driver is exposed on a daily basis.  The course content examines factors that contribute to collisions both on and off the road highlighting the central role of human behaviour,  It introduces the concept of defensive driving, exploring  the benefits of driving in a way to anticipate and compensate for approaching hazards. The system of vehicle control is outlined and applied in worked examples.

Drivers Hours & Digital Tachographs - 3.5 Hours  a_digital_tachograph_and_paper_printout_and_several_drivers_tachograph_cards

Helping drivers to understand the rules on drivers' hours is a transport manager's biggest challenge. This CPC training course gives an overview of current legislation, requirements and exemptions set out in the European Rules, GB Domestic Rules, and the Working Time Directive. The content discusses why it is necessary to regulate driver's hours to reduce the risk of injury and damage caused by tired drivers. The rules that apply in the UK and the category of driver they relate to is explained. 
The  requirements of EU drivers' hours compared with the Working Time Directive are discussed and the definitions of Rest Period and Period of Availability are explained. The correct use of a digital  tachograph through worked examples and exercises in manual entry is explained and advice will be given on tachograph checks and their use in mixed operation.

a_lorry_driver_wearing_a_hi-viz_big_and_a_white_hard_hat_about_to_climb_into_the_cab_of_a_HGVThe Professional Driver - 3.5 Hours
Starting with an overview of the UK system of driver licensing, the course explains when & why licensing was introduced. It explains the staged progression to higher driving licence categories and medical standards required for vocational licence holders. The format of the EU driving licence is explained including the fields, expiry dates and renewal periods. The role of the DVSA and Traffic Commissioners including Operator licensing, driver conduct & records. Roadside checks by DVSA & Police will be discussed.
The importance of daily vehicle checks is discussed and demonstrated. Your company’s own daily and weekly check paperwork, policies and procedures can be incorporated into the course to make the content relevant to the audience. The course also examines how the behaviour of drivers both in person and on the road can reflect on the image of the organisation. Insurance requirements are reviewed including the need to report work related incidents to personal insurers. 

Highway Code & Speed Awareness - 3.5 Hours  cover_of_the_Highway_Code_book
Most drivers read the Highway Code twice in their life.  Once when they take the driving test and once when their children take their driving test. This course  is a reminder that the Highway Code is a vital tool for every road user which is constantly  updated to reflect changes in the UK road system and how it is used. Without a good knowledge of the rules of the road, and current legislation, drivers can fall foul of the law without intending to.  The CPC trainng course begins with a brief quiz to test current knowledge and to highlight some of the changes that may have taken place since the driver last read the Highway Code. It then reviews the history of the Code and how it has developed to be relevant to today's road users. Recent changes are discussed including new road signs and markings, motorway rules including the use of Smart Motorways and restrictions on goods & passenger vehicles.

The Speed Awareness section examines the need for speed limits and the protection they provide for vulnerable road users. It looks at variable speed limits on motorways and road works and the importance of speed limits in the vicinity of schools at particular times of day.  Driver behaviour and typical driver profiles are examined to see why some people speed. The effect of speed on the dynamics of a collision is explored to demonstrate how the outcome is influenced by speed.

a_seated_overweight_man_in_yellow_T_shirt_and_grey_trousers.Drivers Fitness & Health -3.5 hours

A professional driver is subject to greater medical scrutiny than a car driver. Staying well is vital to their employment.  This CPC course examines the driver's personal health and fitness,  the law and how a driver can influence and enhance their own well-being and safety.  Topics covered include medical standards for vocational licences including vision, diabetes, psychiatric  illness, cardiac health and reporting changes in health to the DVLA licensing authorities. Personal health topics include, diet and fitness, fatigue, the use of over the counter prescription drugs, and recreational drugs, and the effects of alcohol and smoking.

Collisions & Incidents - 3.5 hours a_police_traffic_officer_in_a_hi-viz_jacket_standing_by_a_central_reservaton_motorway_barrier_inspecting_a_damaged_car_which_has_collided_with_the_barrier

This is a very interactive CPC course based on accident investigation techniques.  The content examines the factors that contribute to road traffic collisions and incidents with an emphasis on the human contribution and to identify how drivers can reduce the risk. The far-reaching consequences of a collision, the impact on a business, society and the people directly involved are discussed.  The delegates examine a series of incidents, initially on screen then in groups, to consider each situation to identify who might have been in a position to do something differently to prevent the incident from happening.

three_workers_in_hi-viz_jackets_supervising_a_forklift_truck_loading_a_container_onto_a_HGV_trailerSafe at Work - 3.5 hours

Away from driving, the workplace itself can be a dangerous place without appropriate risk management measures in place.  The course provides an overview of how injuries occur at work and the steps employers and employees should take to manage the risk.  It considers the role of regulatory authorities in reporting and investigation of incidents. The contribution of human behaviour is examined, and the importance of risk assessment and safe working practices is considered.  The safe operation of vehicles in the workplace and the use of reversing assistants or banksmen is reviewed. 
There is flexibility in JAUPT rules to incorporate your own health and safety policies and procedures into the course content to give extra relevance to your own drivers and their working environment where familiarity may often lead to inattention.  

Motorways - 3.5 Hours photo_taken_from_a_bridge_of_traffic_on_the__two-lane_M_42_near_Tamworth
Motorways are changing. The session reviews the safe use of motorways, including the features of a smart motorways and intelligent traffic control. It provides an understanding of the motorway network and how to use it safely. The course takes into consideration the restrictions that apply to large or passenger carrying vehicles particularly speed limits and lane use. 
It examines the changes to the network with the introduction of smart motorways and the variations in type, 

 Controlled motorways
 Dynamic hard shoulder running
 All Lane running

The course examines the technology in use to monitor traffic flow, and provides guidance including ANPR, MIDAS, and automatic signalling advice to drivers. It examines the role of staff who work on the motorway including the roles, responsibilities and powers of the Highways England Traffic Officers, the Police, and others.  The correct action to take in case of breakdown or other emergencies is discussed to ensure that drivers understands the risks involved and how to minimise them. 

traffic_scene_with_a_red_double_decker_bus_and_white_van_stopped_at_a_pelican_crossing_in_LondonDriving a Passenger Carrying Vehicle (PCV theory session) - 3.5 hours
Driving a PCV requires different skills and driver responsibilities. This CPC training course provides an overview of the role of the driver. The course covers the regulations that apply, particularly with regard to passenger safety and comfort. Special attention is paid to young passengers or those with disabilities. The course reminds drivers to be aware of vehicle height to avoid bridge strikes and outlines the action to be taken should this occur. The security of passengers, their belongings, and the vehicle itself are reviewed. The importance of checking the vehicle after a break is reinforced especially with regard to the illegal carriage of immigrants. 

"Roadcraft" Advanced Driving - 3.5 hours cover_of_Roadcraft_the_police_drivers_handbook

Suitable for both HGV & PCV drivers , this is a step up on the Defensive Driving course and introduces drivers to the "System of Vehicle Control" developed for use by the emergency services from the publication "Roadcraft", the bible of the Advanced Driver.
It sets out the features of the system:
Information: a continuous process of all-round observation, identifying hazards fixed, moving & environmental.

Position: placing the vehicle for safety, vision, direction, and progress.

Speed: always appropriate for the situation.

Gear: selection of the appropriate gear for maximum control.

Acceleration: to clear the hazard safely.

The application of the system at junctions,  roundabouts, overtaking and on the motorway will be discussed. 

a_low_railway_bridge_over_a_road_showing_four_restricted_height_triangular_warning_signsBridges & Heights  - 3.5 Hours      
There are more than 2000 bridge strikes every year in Britain, costing millions of pounds of damage and thousands of hours of delays.   The information in this session will provide drivers with an understanding of frequency of bridge strikes and other objects and their causes.  It looks at the impact on road and rail networks and the vehicle operator. The course looks at the measures that should be in place to prevent strikes and drivers will be reminded of the importance of checking the height of the vehicle and having this displayed in the cab. It also looks at the measures put in place by the bridge owners and the highways authorities, route planning and the importance of observing warning signs and penalties for non-observance. Content also covers types of bridge and the precautions to be taken including consideration of other road users. The risk from contact with overhead power cables and what do in the event of a collision is debated and the correct procedure to adopt should they be involved in a bridge strike or contact with a power cable, including not moving the vehicle. 
The correct procedures for mounting and dismounting a vehicle using three points of contact, and the importance of using safety equipment provided, are also examined. 

Vehicle Security - 3.5 Hours  damage_to_a_green_curtain_sided_HGV_trailer_where_thieves_have_entered_to_steal_the_contents
Increasing criminal activity and illegal immigration is a major issue for the whole transport and distribution industry.   This CPC training course provides an understanding of the trends in the thefts of and from vehicles and the disruption caused to society including financial loss. It looks at best practice in reducing the risk of theft and raises awareness of measure used by criminals to deceive drivers. The recent history of vehicles being used as a weapon is discussed.
The course highlights the risk of vehicles being used by illegal immigrants, whether in the knowledge of the driver or not, the penalties that apply and measures to be taken to reduce the risk e.g. safe places to park, security of keys, locking the vehicle when unattended, visual checks on return, refusing to give lifts or information on loads and planned routes and resting places.  
Drivers will be made aware of methods of deception used by potential thieves and will understand the steps to take to overcome this, including following company procedures and requesting formal identification from Police and DVSA officials to ensure they are genuine.  The course discusses how illegal immigrants gain access to vehicles and where it is likely to happen, often outside the restricted port area. 

a driver CPC course in vehicle training session in progress in a lorry cabIn Vehicle Training  - 3.5 Hours

This in vehicle training session is ideal to add to one of the driving theory courses to make up a seven-hour course e.g.  Defensive Driving Theory ,  PCV Driving Theory,  Roadcraft - Advanced Driving or Highway Code & Speed Awareness. It is suitable for both HGV and PCV drivers. JAUPT stipulate a maximum of two drivers per instructor. A three-seat vehicle is required to ensure that both delegates are fully engaged in the training for the whole session. 
The In-vehicle Training covers urban, rural and motorway conditions.  The session starts with physical checks of vehicle and a driver eyesight check. Each driver undertakes an assessment drive followed by a commentary from the trainer.  Both drives are then discussed with feedback from the trainer. Each driver drives a second time receiving coaching and advice from the trainer with encouragement to develop a commentary drive demonstrating observation, anticipation and planning based on the Roadcraft system of advanced driving. 
The course finishes with a review and feedback.  Each driver receives a 20-point written report highlighting further areas for self-development.

Course fees
The fee for a seven-hour course made up of any two of the  3.5 hour modules listed above, held on your premises, is £450 plus VAT per day for up to 15 drivers per course.

DVSA Upload fees are recharged at cost which is currently £8.75 per delegate per seven-hour course (VAT exempt).

If you require more information please call us on 01384 442233 

Any combination of two 3.5 CPC modules above count as JAUPT Approved CPC Modular  Training Course No CRS11700/259



Seven Hour Driver CPC Course Programmes a_white_DX_hgv_tractor_unit_with_a_drver_in_cab

One Day Part Theory – Part Practical CPC Defensive Driving Course for HGV and PCV Drivers - 7 Hours
For one or two drivers per trainer per day.  A three-seat commercial or PCV vehicle is required for the practical session. 

Defensive Driving Theory Course 3.5 hours
The morning session examines the risks to which each driver is exposed on a daily basis.  The course content examines factors that contribute to collisions both on and off the road highlighting the central role of human behaviour,  It introduces the concept of defensive driving, exploring  the benefits of driving in a way to anticipate and compensate for approaching hazards. The system of vehicle control is outlined and applied in worked examples. 

The In Vehicle Training 3.5 hours afternoon session covers urban, rural and motorway conditions. The course starts with a full vehicle check using the client’s check list, procedures, and policies. Each delegate has their eyesight checked and then undertakes an initial assessment drive. Following feedback,  the trainer will then give a commentary demonstrating observation, anticipation, planning and a systematic approach to hazards. Each delegate has a second drive with helpful feedback and tuition from the trainer with encouragement to introduce a commentary to their drive.
The course ends with a review and feedback. 

The course fee £380 per trainer per day for up to two drivers using your vehicle. Plus £8.75 DVSA upload fee.
Alternative formats are to change the morning session to Roadcraft – Advanced Driving, or Highway Code and Speed Awareness, or PCV Driving Theory


Emergency First Aid at Work PLUS for Driver CPC  - 7 Hours 

This seven-hour first aid at work course is suitable for all employees as well as qualifying for seven hours of periodic CPC training. It gives delegates the skills, knowledge, and confidence to deliver effective first aid in the event of an emergency incident at work or on the road. 
Training is highly practical and includes:

The aims of First Aid - 3 Ps
Preserve Life
Prevent Deterioration
Promote Recovery

Qualities and responsibilities of the First Aider
Record Keeping
Initial Assessment - primary survey
Cardo Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and safe use of a defibrillatior (AED)
Recovery Positions
External Bleeding
Minor injuries
Burns & scalds
Heart attacks
Head injuries

Minimum of six delegates per course - maximum of 12 delegates per course.

Course Fees For First Aid Course £450 plus VAT plus £8.75 per delegate DVSA Upload Fees

 Delivered in conjunction with First Response First Aid Ltd.

Call us now on 01384 442233 or complete the Contact Us Form for further details.

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Defensive Driver Training

We are one of the UK’s leading corporate driver training companies specialising in providing Defensive and Advanced driving courses to wide variety of clients from almost every sector of the UK economy including banking, the petro-chemical industry, property,  pharmaceuticals,  electricity & gas,  energy generation and distribution, local authorities, NHS Trusts and government agencies... read more

Contact Details

Location Address:

Defensive Driver Training Ltd, Pure Offices, Broadwell Road, Oldbury, West Midlands,
B69 4BY.

Email Address:
