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Defensive Driver Training One Day Course

Defensive Driver Training One Day Course

One Day Part Theory - Part Practical Defensive Driving Course - Scan Plan Act

This is the best introduction to Defensive Driving, and an ideal foundation course for any driver who has considered taking the advanced driving test.  The one-day course works well for individual drivers needing 1:1 training, or for larger groups up to 12 drivers per day.  

Most courses start at 9:00 am with a two-hour theory session. This is followed by approximately five hours of on-road training learning advanced driving techniques.  The normal finish time is approximately 4:00 p.m. But start and finish times are flexible to suit your operational requirements.

We can deliver this course at any UK location. All we need is a room for the theory session.  All of our trainers carry laptops and data projectors. For the on-road session we need a suitable vehicle. This should ideally be insured for our trainer to drive.  This will allow him to give a demonstration drive with a commentary. If your colleagues use their own car on company business we can use that.  It must be insured for business use.  We also have fleet insurance cover for our trainer to drive. 

The theory session consists of an introduction to the principles of defensive driving.  Journey planning, personal fitness to drive. and  recognising fatigue are discussed. This is also an opportunity to discuss the correct use of mobile phones in line with your own company policy.   

The importance of regular vehicle checks using the mnemonic POWDER ( Petrol-Oil-Water-Damage/Dirt-Electrics and Rubber) method is explained.  

We then examine the relative risk of driving on different road types, and the most common accident situations, what causes them, and look at how they can be avoided. In particular we will go through some of the drivers' recent incidents to see if there are lessons to be learnt.

The delegates are  introduced to the "system of car control" from the Police Driving manual "Roadcraft" which is the bible of advanced driving. We have shortened this to Scan Plan Act to make it easier to remember and apply.
The difference between speed and making progress is demonstrated both in the classroom and on the road. 

The In Vehicle Driver Training starts with a check to see that delegates are able to read a number plate from 20 metres - the standard DVSA "L" test eyesight requirements.  vehicle and eyesight check - followed by an assessment drive from each delegate. This allows the trainer to establish an idea of each driver's ability.

Our Instructor then gives a police style demonstration drive with a commentary to show just how far ahead it is possible to plan with good observation and anticipation.   The principles of the "Scan Plan Act"  approach based on the police driving manual "Roadcraft" are demonstrated in this drive. The delegates are then invited to take a second turn behind the wheel and receive helpful tuition and advice on how to extend observations, assess what needs to be done, and acting upon the information . The training is tailored individually to work on any skills that can be enhanced to improve safety. We will encourage them   The practical session finishes around 4:00 p.m. with a review of the day and questions. 

In Vehicle Training Ratios 

In the one day format,  the ideal ratio is two delegates to one instructor.  The non-driving delegate often learns more from observing a colleague's drive. If we are using two seat car-derived vans we can split the practical into two sessions of about 2.5 hours each. 

Driver Reports

After the course each driver will receive a Certificate of Attendance and a full written report which will highlight any areas that can be improved. If we identify any drivers who we feel would benefit from further training and help, their report is fast tracked. We will discuss any further training needs with you and the driver.  Niormally a further 1:1 in vehicle session is suficient to get the driver to a safe standard.  

You will also receive feedback on other items such as vehicle condition, eyesight checks and any other driver or vehicle safety related suggestions that may help.

Course Fees   

Fees start at £380 plus VAT for a trainer for a day at any UK location.   

For example, four drivers on a course would require two trainers if training on a 2:1 in vehicle ratio = £760 plus VAT.   

This is a fully inclusive fee for any UK mainland location and assumes we use a company owned and insured car.   If your drivers use their own cars on company business, we can supply and insure a hire car for the training at a fixed cost.

Alternatively we can train in the private vehicle,  but this would need to be on a 1:1 ratio due to insurance constraints, and we can train two people per day. 

Our Training Staff

Our trainers are a mixture of former Police,  Fire Service and Military trained drivers and instructors, plus civilians who have gone through similar training. They all have advanced driving instructor diplomas and qualifications. Above all they are user-friendly. They will pitch the training at a level commensurate with each delegate’s ability. We are there to take their skills from where they are currently, to an enhanced level in the limited time available. In some cases that may be adding polish to a driver already at advanced level.  In other cases it may be to get a less experienced driver to a safe level. 

Please call us on 01384 442233 and we will be pleased to discuss the alternative training formats with you.

Defensive Driver Training

We are one of the UK’s leading corporate driver training companies specialising in providing Defensive and Advanced driving courses to wide variety of clients from almost every sector of the UK economy including banking, the petro-chemical industry, property,  pharmaceuticals,  electricity & gas,  energy generation and distribution, local authorities, NHS Trusts and government agencies... read more

Contact Details

Location Address:

Defensive Driver Training Ltd, Pure Offices, Broadwell Road, Oldbury, West Midlands,
B69 4BY.

Email Address:
